I, however, think that blueberry chocolate chip cookies were a unique blend and very good. The flavors were smooth and I enjoy them. Matt, though, still has not even tasted them! I asked him to teach me how to bake cookies and all he did was laugh! Hopefully, maybe, one day in the future, there will be a blog post of Matt teaching me how to make cookies like him. Until then, all I can do is tell you how to make the blueberry chocolate chip cookies:
For these cookies I used my classic chocolate chip cookie recipe. Instead of adding in 2 cups of chips I added in 3/4 cup of mini chocolate chips and 3/4 cup of dried blueberries. Even with "losing" the half a cup there was still plenty of extras in each bite; mini chips spread that way. And blueberries have such a strong taste, I think, that you don't want too many or else you want really taste anything else.
Even though Matt's cookies were better, there is no longer any cookie, recipe, photo, or any other proof left of his cookies to compare. So unless he's willing to repeat the occasion, that makes these cookies special! Enjoy your blueberry chocolate chip cookies and let me know what you think!